Garden view

Thanjavur Sivaganga Park

    One of the important and a famous place in thanjavur is, Sivaganga Park. Sivaganga Park is also known as Green Lungs of Thanjavur city. With landscaped lawns and tracks, this garden is an ideal place for spending time with family.

    The park also comprises a swimming pool, boating and water sports facility, pathways and a play area for children. And it is located near the Bigtemple (Brihadisvara temple, Thanjavur) is also an important thing, to be a famous park in thanjavur. From Sivaganga garden we can get the clear view of Bigtemple(Brihadisvara temple, Thanjavur). A normal fee is collected for entrance.
Swmming pool


Airports Near Sivaganga.
    Tiruchirapalli Airport is the nearest airport to Sivaganga park. 56.7 kilometers from trichy airport  and  1.7 min is approximate travel time for sivaganga park.
Trichy International Airport
Google Maps.